The ultimate machine
Today here comes an aggressive vacuum cleaner promoter demonstrating his so called 'Versatile' Rainbow cleaner at my
We first asked him how much does it cost..he refused to declare it n' asked us to c his demonstration first then we'll found it

Then he say he can help to clean up our bed matress v his extreme machine for free n let us c the effect..... He used a lot of scientific terms while explaining inclusive of some Physics theory like Bernoulli jz like he's a even triggered out a stupid question while expecting me to answer it wrongly... That time I got kinda feeling to knock him v' my Phisics text
His question is > (The promoter tore a piece of tiny cloth n dump it into ball shapes then put it on his lap. Then, cope it v the vacuum hose b4 he activate the machine.......n he asked..." now..guess where the particle will go now??? lol.... I straight away answered "still remain intact lo"... He stiffed for a while jz like duno wut to say....after a while he said "hmphh , u r right! Many customers say to me the tiny particle has already been sucked in to the water accumulator inside the he explained to me y my answer is correct........ Duno wut to say liao!@#$#@!
Then here comes Malphigy layers of ur skin lol...such a clever promoter...
He help us to clean up the bed to testify his theory.... he told us our dead skin will accumulate underneath our matress n here comes those microorganism to devour our dead skin make ppl get infected v' sinus n other skin
Lets c this....

Those floating shits on the water surface comprises dead skin tissues n' faeces of flea a.k.a KUTU according to him) lol jz 2 minutes process n so many shits were sucked out... Wondering how my maid clean up the bed
Then he show us the endurance of the machine...walau..using aerospace material for its sucking hose n n cost RM8k per wonder he dun wanna declare the price at the beginning for a vacuum cleaner.....Guess wut if I bought it...ppl will sure mock at us stupid to waste money on a blardy vacuum till stomach pecah...Who'll purchase it o....jz for house cleaning not for sanitizing process in hospital! Use so extreme machine for wut???????...
For ur info...this machine can also b used for air fresherning purposes. Can add on lavender apple odour, orange, strawberry etc. lol
Who wanna
contact me if u wan! I ask him go ur house n kacau u...muhahahaha!
For more PIC!
Click on sub album -Demonstration!
We first asked him how much does it cost..he refused to declare it n' asked us to c his demonstration first then we'll found it

Then he say he can help to clean up our bed matress v his extreme machine for free n let us c the effect..... He used a lot of scientific terms while explaining inclusive of some Physics theory like Bernoulli jz like he's a even triggered out a stupid question while expecting me to answer it wrongly... That time I got kinda feeling to knock him v' my Phisics text
His question is > (The promoter tore a piece of tiny cloth n dump it into ball shapes then put it on his lap. Then, cope it v the vacuum hose b4 he activate the machine.......n he asked..." now..guess where the particle will go now??? lol.... I straight away answered "still remain intact lo"... He stiffed for a while jz like duno wut to say....after a while he said "hmphh , u r right! Many customers say to me the tiny particle has already been sucked in to the water accumulator inside the he explained to me y my answer is correct........ Duno wut to say liao!@#$#@!
Then here comes Malphigy layers of ur skin lol...such a clever promoter...
He help us to clean up the bed to testify his theory.... he told us our dead skin will accumulate underneath our matress n here comes those microorganism to devour our dead skin make ppl get infected v' sinus n other skin
Lets c this....

Those floating shits on the water surface comprises dead skin tissues n' faeces of flea a.k.a KUTU according to him) lol jz 2 minutes process n so many shits were sucked out... Wondering how my maid clean up the bed
Then he show us the endurance of the machine...walau..using aerospace material for its sucking hose n n cost RM8k per wonder he dun wanna declare the price at the beginning for a vacuum cleaner.....Guess wut if I bought it...ppl will sure mock at us stupid to waste money on a blardy vacuum till stomach pecah...Who'll purchase it o....jz for house cleaning not for sanitizing process in hospital! Use so extreme machine for wut???????...
For ur info...this machine can also b used for air fresherning purposes. Can add on lavender apple odour, orange, strawberry etc. lol
Who wanna
contact me if u wan! I ask him go ur house n kacau u...muhahahaha!
For more PIC!
Click on sub album -Demonstration!
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