Saturday, July 24, 2004

Just came back from a visit to IMR(Institute Medical Research) and FRIM(???) organized by the Mathematics Society.
Firstly, we went to IMR and we saw a lot of plants for the use of medical purpose or herbs as well. When we reach the herbs garden……………..the first thing we have done was searching for Kacek Fatimah and Tongkat Ali. Of course, we have had asked for the ways to consume it………..For Tongkat Ali, we just have to boil its root in water and drink it. The attendant emphasized that one cannot simply consume its powder due to human’s kidney cannot filter those tiny substances. Then, before we left the garden the attendant gave Miss Phoon an Madam Chan three pieces of ‘Sambung Nyawa’ for its use of lower the blood pressure and ease migraine. Miss Phoon and Madam Chan seems to be very curious to those herbs as I saw them discussing and talking about how their grandmother use herbs to ease the illness all along the way…………And they said they wants to get it planted at home for their parent’s sake. Since the plant is so good at lower the blood pressure…………..we devoured it without washing it……………….THIS WAS MY FIRST TIME TO EAT LEAF……………Impossible to imagine.
At the museum, we have saw well-preserved rats, squirrel, birds, cats, baby tiger, and snakes….There are various types of snakes with weird names………I can remember a one, it is ‘Ular Kucing Bergigi Anjing’……..really cannot imagine why those people is so creative as they created this name for this type of snakes…………..
After this, we went for jungle tracking at FRIM. We can see Miss Phoon’s bag can accommodate lots of things although it is small…………..just like Doraemon’s magic bag. We saw a lot of giant trees such as Cengal(the hardest tree), Meranti, Kapur,..……..Besides giant trees we saw giant ants……………the guide has had played with the approximately 3 centimeters long giant worker ants………………Think of why was he acted so brave………..this was because that is just a worker ant and not a soldier ant……….If so, then he will sure die in pieces……… We have had climbed up to 1000 feets of height …………..Almost dead………TTP and I have to beware of stepping into “shits”(mud) along the route. We also saw the IKAN NAGA with its broad-wide mouth……almost 15+ centimeters wide…………….and its long is approximately three of the length of our school desk………………………….We bought a long piece of bread to feed the IKAN NAGA………………….All of us have done it but only TTP. He has had fed himself with the ‘ROTI’(please keep your hair up TTP).

Along the journey…………..I really cannot stand of the attitude of DS.