Sunday, June 06, 2004

Just watched ‘Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban’………………in KLCC.By right, I will be more pleasure if I enjoy this trip with my friends or with my parents………
This trip is sponsored by Citibank and we have the coupon to redeem TGV popcorn and Coca-cola….my dear uncle decided to bring my younger brother and sister to enjoy these benefits………………………………………and………..I have to go to take good care of my brother and sister…………………………………………
However, maybe someone else can ask me to join their trip to watch “The Day After Tomorrow”…………………………….or I hope fervently that my parents can watch this movie with me…………..

Lets say the Harry Potter…………………….there is nothing so interesting …is a bit of comedy and I think the fighting between weird creatures caught my full concentration………….Guess what ???the professor of Hogward School can transform to an awful creature. Harry’s Godfather (Sirius Black), also a fugitive from Azkaban but he is innocent………………………………………………can transform to a ……..don’t know how to say….err ……a Dog…called Grim?????/forgot already whether is a dog or is a wolf….the shape is there lah……….